Selasa, 26 Januari 2010

perintah-perintah di sistem ubuntu

1. sudo To run any command as superuser (root)
2. sudo -u To run a command as any other user ->
3. passwd To change your password.
4. sudo visudo To edit the sudoers file to change sudo permissions.
5. gksudo Graphical sudo application
APT get commands
1. apt-get update To update the package database
2. apt-get upgrade To upgrade the packages
3. apt-get dist-upgrade To upgrade the current distribution
4. apt-cache search To search for a particular package
5. apt-get autoremove To remove a package
6. apt-get install To install package
7.apt-cache showpkg Show package information
8. apt-get -f install Fix broken package
9. vi /etc/apt/sources.list Edit package repository information using the vi editor
10. gedit /etc/apt/sources.list Edit package repository information using the gedit editor
System Commands
1. uname -r Get kernel version
2. uname -a Get all information about the system (architecture, kernel, OS etc)
3. sudo reboot reboot OS
4. sudo shutdown -h now Shutdown computer
5. fsck Utility to check the filesystem for inconsistency. eg. fsck /dev/sdb
6. mount Utility to mount a filesystem. eg. mount -t ext4 /dev/sdb1 /mnt/sdb1
Display Commands
1. Ctrl+Alt+backspace Restart X-server if it is hung
2. /etc/x11/xorg.conf X11 configuration file
3. /etc/init.d/gdm restart Restart the GDM graphical login daemon
4. Ctrl+alt+F Switch to tty
5. Ctrl+alt+F7 Switch back to X
Restore from system crash
Press and hold down ALT + SysRq (PrintScn) button and type phrase R E I S U B with 1 second
interval between each letter. Your system will magically recover from the crash and reboot itself.

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